Top 3 underdog stories of all time in sports betting

Top 3 underdog stories of all time in sports betting
Top 3 underdog stories of all time in sports betting

The meaning of an underdog team might be completely different for a sports betting professional. An underdog team is not typically expected to win a match and is completely opposite to a winning team or the one that is favoured by most of the people.

That is the very reason that odd makers give them a small chance of winning when compared to the other teams. As per the odds, the underdog teams usually lose the matches that they play.

Apart from this, it is also identified that the underdog teams typically have low points and some of the worst records in history. However, sometimes the odds work in their favour.

Many times, sports bettors check out the underdog stories and ranks to see if there is a possibility of the opposite team to win a match as they may have done in the past.

The top 3 underdog stories of all time that can be used by sports betting experts are as follows:

  1. 1980 Men’s US hockey team

On the list of the most surprising underdogs, the US Olympic team of hockey has taken the first spot and managed to stay on it for a long time. The team is also known as the Miracle on Ice team. No one expected them to win the match against the Soviet Union on that day. Looking at the performance of the Soviet team, everyone estimated that the US team would be dead very fast. The US team was full of amateurs and was nowhere near being the favourite of anyone. In the finals, it even defeated the Finland team and that is why the 1980 US Team topped the charts.

  1. Buster Douglas

Douglas made his name only when he went up against the mighty Mike Tyson. Buster is known to have been another significant underdog player who had no one rooting for him. But he still managed to get the heavyweight championship in 1990 when he defeated Tyson. This fight upset a lot of people in the world but was recorded as one of the best underdog performances that anyone has ever seen.

  1. Greece Soccer Team in 2004

Greece had never gained much popularity. Even when they entered the Euro Cup in 2004, people did not give them much regard. They were consistently overlooked but they kept making a space for themselves in the tournament as they worked forward. Many soccer fans say that the luck was entirely in their favour as they kept moving towards the semifinals and then the finals against Portugal in 2004. As this was a golden opportunity, Greece gave their best in the final match and won. The team actually shut the voice of every soccer fan who had ever said a word against Greece and their winning probability.

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