Dhiraj Singh, CEO of SIS Group Enterprises

Embarking on a journey beyond the confines of the boardroom, Dhiraj Singh, the dynamic CEO of SIS Group Enterprises, shares insights into his leadership philosophy, innovative strategies, and thrilling wildlife adventures.

In this exclusive interview, discover the man behind the executive title as he opens up about his multifaceted approach to business and life.

Can you share a bit about your childhood, educational background and how it shaped your career path?

I grew up in a small town called Jamshedpur in East India, which is the root place for SIS too! After completing my studies at IIT Mumbai, I furthered my education in the US by pursuing management degrees in full scholarships. Despite my global exposure, my deep-rooted connection to India was undeniable. I’ve always felt a strong affinity for my homeland.

Many inquire about the significance of an IIT background in the security and Facility Management (FM) sectors. Today, security transcends beyond mere manpower; it’s an intricate blend of technology and human expertise. Similarly, FM has evolved far beyond basic housekeeping. It encompasses areas like IoT, energy management, and optimizing utility services. IIT not only equipped me with technical knowledge but also instilled in me the ability to collaborate with individuals from diverse backgrounds and thrive in competitive settings.

What were your early career experiences, and how did they contribute to your growth as a leader?

I have worked in the creation and financing of physical assets; then in the delivery and construction of assets, and now I specialize in asset management. This journey has allowed me to connect the dots effectively, enhancing my capabilities in my present role. Furthermore, having collaborated with individuals from diverse states, countries, and skill sets has been invaluable, as it enriches my current role and perspective. Being a people person and good orator from my childhood are invaluable too in my current role.

As the CEO of SIS Group Enterprises, what do you consider the most significant achievements during your tenure?

First and foremost, the focus at SIS has never been on individual accomplishments. As a collective team, we take immense pride in establishing India’s largest FM company and e-surveillance company from the ground up, all within the past decade. Our efficient management of the vaccination program, benefiting over 2 lakh people in record time, stands as a testament to our dedication and capabilities. While we cherish our achievements over the years, we are equally, if not more, enthusiastic about the promising opportunities that lie ahead in the coming decade.

As a CEO how do you see leadership in a company that operates in the Security, Facility Management, and Cash Logistics sectors?

Our businesses revolve around people. They are our greatest asset, capital, our raw material, and end product. Every P&L leader within our organization embodies the responsibilities of a CHRO.

How do you structure your strategy when seeking out new business or clients for SIS Group Enterprises?

We have a clearly outlined collective strategy for our five-year vision and annual business plans. It is one of the “secret sauces” of our success recipe!

In the rapidly changing landscape of technology, how do SIS Group Enterprises stay ahead and adapt to new trends?

Our management leadership team is exceptionally skilled and proactive. We continually assess the market dynamics, emerging trends, and client needs. We are willing to “cannibalize” our own current business by creating businesses of the future. We are actively working (including investing) with technology partners.

You’ve built businesses from scratch. What strategies have you found most effective in the initial stages of business development?

Hiring a great team! Empowering them, trusting them, coaching them, motivating them. Hustling together for new business together. Being flexible to pivot and have a change in strategy. Persistence and patience!

How do you approach team management and building a strong, cohesive work culture?

Being fair, polite, transparent and honest always helps. I like to be a professional at work but a friend outside of it. I love to take teams out for walks, treks, games – the mind opens far quicker then! We have strong value systems at SIS developed by the founding family and we keep reinforcing those core values and culture through mentoring, training programs, leading by example etc.

Have there been mentors or role models who have significantly influenced your leadership style?

Every leader I have worked with has taught me something! I am inspired by the people skills and communications skills of our Chairman Mr RK Sinha and the patience and enthusiasm of Rituraj Sinha! Outside of work, I do try and learn from our sportsmen, especially Dhoni, Tendulkar and Kohli – who I assume would be the virtual mentors for half of India too! Outside of India, I have been very impressed by the lives of Nelson Mandela and Michael Jordan!

You mention being mentally resilient. How do you personally navigate challenges and setbacks in the business world?

Ups and downs will always happen – one just has to rebound quickly. I try and follow this. My years of meditation practice have helped me too in controlling my emotions and thoughts.

Your profile mentions a passion for wildlife photography. How do you balance this passion with the demands of your professional life?

I am lucky to be in a role where I have to travel a lot. I try and use the opportunity wherever I can. Being with wildlife is a great stressbuster; it is almost like meditation! It helps me get more charged, and more focused at work later. However, I do ensure that I am never out of “connect” with my work – a skill that I have developed over many years! Nevertheless, normal social life does take a toll while pursuing wildlife passions as I am out during most weekends!

Is there a particular experience or story from your wildlife photography adventures that has left a lasting impression on you?

There are so many! But in short, I have become far more patient as well as fearless through my experiences in wildlife over the past few years! I have encountered snakes, leopards, tigers, bears, helicopter rides over sea during monsoons, jumping out of vehicle as it skid on icy roads  – amongst my many challenges. However, experiences like watching a young bear cub roll from a small boulder and then trying to get up and sit have more than made up for any physical challenges during such journeys!

As an author, what topics do you feel most compelled to share with others?

I have written on meditation and wildlife. I have written many thrillers too – centred around the theme of “karma”! I still am quite inexperienced in writing a book on “management/life wisdom” but maybe someday in the future!

How do you manage to strike a balance between your professional commitments and your personal life, especially with a passion for diverse interests?

Having an understanding boss and an understanding wife solves half the problem! The other half happens through aggressive time management and developing productivity skills. And the secret ingredient finally is to have a real passion for whatever you do! Time and energy will follow!

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About Ashutosh Kumar Thakur


Ashutosh Kumar Thakur is a Bengaluru-based management professional, curator, and literary critic. He can be reached at [email protected]